
Costume Making for Dance, Theatre & Film

Costume is an integral part of my creative process. Studying textiles in Harrogate began my journey into fabrics, texture & form. I went onto the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School where I learnt the craft of pattern and costume making, followed by a period of deepening my skills in theatre and TV.

Dance & Costume

Recent choreographic projects have given me the opportunity to delve deeper into my original questioning of how the fabrics move when embodied. Bringing choreography and costume together in the landscape and layering all these elements is, at present the greatest influence on my working practice.

In the Autumn of 2024 I will be undertaking research & development supported by the Arts Council England, DYCP. This 6 months period will allow me to delve deeper into my processes in costumography and create a new piece of work

Glimpses of Wonder

Theatre Royal, Plymouth R & D, 2023